WhatsApp is the best platform where people can easily send messages, photos, and videos, make a video call, set their status, and other numerous features that make it special for the person. In the modern days, in every person’s hand, we can see Android phones and the availability of the WhatsApp app on every device which is most likely to the famous proverb that is “A man can’t live without Oxygen” same as every smartphone person can’t live without WhatsApp. It can be downloaded by the users but the app size may be longer. Due to fewer features, there is an advanced version of WhatsApp being launched whose name is “GB WhatsApp”.
GB WhatsApp is the updated and modified version of the original version of WhatsApp. This makes a huge impact and innovative application in the field of communication and technology. Normally, people can use WhatsApp for sharing information, sending messages, making calls, and other necessary features but in the modern days, due to advancements in technology, you must go to use this GB WhatsApp. There are lots of features that can’t be available in the original version of the WhatsApp app like hiding the double tick options, attaching the long videos easily, and posting the photos privately and many other features.
Features of GB WhatsApp App:
Hide Online Status – In the WhatsApp app, you can’t hide your online status whenever you open the app on the phone but in GB WhatsApp you can hide your online status even if you can run the app. You can easily set the offline status even if you can run the app.
Media Sharing – With the help of this file you can easily send high MB videos and photos in comparison to the original version. You can send these files easily without any problem.
Auto Reply Options – In the Original version of WhatsApp, you can’t send auto-reply messages but in this app, you have the option of auto-reply. With the help of this option, it can send messages easily whenever you are busy.
Beautiful Collections of GIFs and Emojis – In this app, you can see lots of Emojis and GIFs that you can send to your friends and relatives to make them laugh. But in the original version of WhatsApp, these collections are less in comparison to GB WhatsApp.
Download Status – When you Download GB WhatsApp on your Android, you do not need to download other applications to download Status, unlike we are using Instagram Status Downloader or YouTube Video Downloader. Either on a mobile or laptop, you can easily download GB WhatsApp fewer times. But you can be aware to know that how to download GB WhatsApp. If you can download GB WhatsApp on a laptop then you can easily download it on our website Download GB App APK. If you have a phone in your hand then you can follow steps- by- steps to download GB WhatsApp carefully:
STEP 1 – First, you can open the search bar on your phone and type the name of our website downloadgbwhatsappapk.com in the address bar. The page is open on the website on your phone. You can click where the name is written as GB WhatsApp App.
STEP 2 – When the page is open, a clickable link is seen in a green color box in which it can be written GBwhatsapp Apk Download (68MB). You can click on it then the process of downloading is automatically started. You can wait to complete the download GB WhatsApp to run it properly.
STEP 3 – When the download is completed, it can take permission to allow the installation process because this file is in the form of an APK so you need to allow the permissions on your phone. On your phone, you can allow permission in the option of “Install Unknown Resources” to download GB WhatsApp.